NH Bar News: Kate Mahan Inspires Graduates at NHTI Paralegal Studies Ceremony

The following article was published in NH Bar News on Sep. 17, 2024. All credit for this article and the images it contains belongs to the NH Bar News newsletter.
By Tom Jarvis
On Thursday, August 22, New Hampshire Bar Association President Kathleen Mahan addressed the 2024 graduates of NHTI – Concord’s Community College’s Paralegal Studies Certificate Program during a special awards ceremony on the Concord campus.
The ceremony, an intimate occasion separate from the official graduation, was held to recognize the students’ accomplishments and to thank their families and friends.
NHTI’s Paralegal Studies Certificate Program is known for its rigorous curriculum, designed for working professionals aiming to enhance their legal expertise. Students, most of whom work a full-time job during the day, attend two nights a week for a full year, without a spring or summer break.
After NHTI Paralegal Studies Department Chair Stacey Peters opened the Kate Mahan Inspires Graduates at NHTI Paralegal Studies Ceremony ceremony by congratulating the students
and thanking their families, she turned the podium over to NHTI President Patrick Tompkins, who discussed the importance of and the need for paralegals in the Granite State.
Mahan then took to the podium to address the graduates. As a seasoned attorney with nearly 20 years of experience, her insights resonated deeply with the graduates, many of whom are poised to take on pivotal roles in the legal field.
“It is my distinct honor to be here tonight to congratulate you all on your tremendous accomplishment,” Mahan said. “It will come as no surprise to anyone in this room, having gone through the rigorous program you have just completed, that paralegals play an important role in our justice system. Whether it is preparing for a trial, pulling documents for due diligence in a corporate transaction, working through a real estate closing, or providing support in a probate matter, your involvement, simply put, keeps the wheels turning. I have been in practice for nearly 20 years, and I can definitely say that the paralegals that I have had the privilege of working with have been vital members of the team and absolutely instrumental in the entire process.”
Mahan then shared some feedback from her colleagues about the crucial role of their paralegals before imparting her own personal stories about a former paralegal, Peyton, who was a graduate of the NHTI program. Mahan also remarked that the graduates were entering the field at an exciting time when New Hampshire is expanding the role of paralegals with Rule 35 and the Paraprofessional Pilot Program, groundbreaking initiatives that allow paralegals to offer more direct support to clients.
“You have an amazing opportunity to take on the added challenge of providing advice and counsel, and soon, even acting as an advocate,” Mahan said. “New Hampshire sees and understands that we can count on well-trained paralegals to help ensure there is access to justice for everyone, that people have counsel and someone to speak for them in what could be one of the most difficult times of their lives. It is an awesome opportunity and responsibility that I hope you will all consider.”
In closing, Mahan said, “Whatever the area of practice you choose to go into, you are, without question, an integral part of the legal profession. You have set yourself apart with the unique skills and experience that you have obtained in this program. You have the power to make a tremendous difference in our justice system.”
As the ceremony concluded, the graduates – Patrice Benard, Charlotte Caron, Courtney Keller, Lisa Kelly-Fowler, Samantha Kirschner, Gretchen McKeen, Meghan Michaud, Morganne Moses, and Shawn Sutton – proudly received their certificates, marking the beginning of their promising careers in the legal field.