Accessibility Services

The information listed on this page is available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Office of Accessibility Services at 603-230-4027.

Achieve Your Goals at NHTI

You’re encouraged to disclose the nature of your disability to the Accessibility Services coordinator prior to your first semester at NHTI.

Because two people with the same accessibility challenges may experience different adaptations, we tailor accommodations to your individual needs. Reasonable accommodations are provided to help you achieve at a level limited only by your abilities – not your disabilities.

It’s our mission to provide equal educational access, opportunities, and experiences to all students with documented disabilities who register with our office. Assistance is provided in a collaborative way to help you develop strong, effective, and independent learning and self-advocacy skills as you assume responsibility for reaching your academic goals.

Accessibility Services can support your goals and program of study through:

  • Reasonable accommodation plans
  • Academic coaching
  • Assistive technology and equipment loans
  • Referral for diagnostic testing
  • Request for reduced course load
  • Verification for health insurance and athletic participation

In compliance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, NHTI does not discriminate against students with disabilities in terms of program admissions and/or opportunities for academic success.

Current Availability

Accessibility Services is available by appointment. Call 603-230-4027 or email!

Am I Eligible?

You could qualify for assistance if you have:

  • A diagnosed disability
  • A history of a disability, but have not previously received service
  • A history of school difficulties
  • An undiagnosed learning disability, ADD, or other disability

Documentation is required; some restrictions apply. Eligibility is determined by the Accessibility Services coordinator. Accessibility Services records are confidential and kept separate from the Registrar, Admissions, and other department records.

You’re given equal opportunity to pursue programs of study and are evaluated with the same course objectives as other students. Accommodations such as extended test time and separate quiet test environment may help you achieve course objectives. 

In compliance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, NHTI – Concord’s Community College does not discriminate against students with disabilities in terms of program admissions and/or opportunities for academic success.

What’s the Accessibility Services Process?

  1. Contact Accessibility Services for a Reasonable Accommodation Plan application.
  2. Fill out the application, obtain your required documentation, and submit them.
  3. If you qualify for accommodations, the coordinator will work with you to complete a Letter of Accommodation.

We recognize that needs and barriers can evolve as you progress through your academic program. If you seek to modify a current accommodation plan, please contact us to go over your needs.

Once you get your Letter of Accommodation, provide a copy to your instructors and meet with them to discuss how your academic needs will be met. This process has to be repeated each semester and for each class where you want to use your accommodations.

We want to support you as you become a more independent, self-sufficient learner! There are many options available through our Accessibility Services department:, including:

  • Academic coaching and study strategies
  • Progress checks
  • Time management strategies
  • Equipment loans for digital recorders, smart pens, Roger pens, laptops, and calculators
  • Software such as voice-to-text Dragon Naturally Speaking , Inspiration, Text-to-Voice Kurzweil 3000, Natural Readers, eReaders, and Zoomtext
  • Alternative textbooks such as etexts and audio books

Availability of these resources varies based on the current need of our students.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it’s your responsibility to submit documentation of disabilities. Appropriate documentation includes:

  • ADHD/ADD – Neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation and/or NHTI Disability Verification Form
  • Learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder – Neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation
  • Physical, medical, and chronic health – NHTI Disability Verification Form
  • Psychological – NHTI Disability Verification Form and/or neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation
  • Speech and language – Neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation
  • Traumatic brain injury and other cognitive disabilities – Neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation and/or NHTI Disability Verification Form

Please submit paperwork showing any receipts of accommodation at other schools (high school, colleges, or universities) to aid in the process. Because of differences between post-secondary education and high school education, an IEP or 504 by itself is not sufficient documentation to determine eligibility for accommodations in post-secondary education.

Disability documentation should be current, relevant, and completed by a qualified professional. Accessibility Services reserves the right to request updated documentation to support specific accommodations. Documentation is considered on a case-by-case basis to understand how you are impacted by your disability in the post-secondary education environment. Documentation received by Accessibility Services is kept confidential and separate from other academic records.

NHTI is not required to provide diagnostic testing services.

Once you get a copy of your Letter of Accommodation, you should provide a copy to your instructors and meet with them to discuss how your academic needs will be met. This process has to be repeated each semester and for each class where you want to use your accommodations.

Participation in Accessibility Services at NHTI is voluntary; however, NHTI is required by law to make services available to qualified students. If you choose not to inform your faculty about your needs, they are not legally required to provide accommodations.

Documents and Links

Contact Us:

Accessibility Services
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-9309