Class of 2025 Commencement
Our Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2025 will be held on May 16, 2025 (rain date May 17).
If you intend to graduate, you must fill out the Petition to Graduate form and return it to the Registrar’s Office immediately. Without submitting this form, you will not automatically graduate.
Additional information will be posted on this page regarding Commencement as soon as it is made available.
Congrats to all 2025 grads!
Message from NHTI’s President
Dear Class of 2025,
Welcome to the commemoration of a historic event in your life: your college graduation!
Your journey is one that not everyone takes because the journey requires excellence,
fortitude, and humility.
It also requires love. You have loved yourself enough to want more in life and to believe you can achieve more.
The love of family and friends has blessed and buttressed you, perhaps for a ride to class, or a few dollars to pay a bill, or some advice—and a lot of encouragement.
And then there’s the love of your NHTI faculty and staff. We who are privileged to serve at NHTI engage this work because of our love for others. You have been gracious in allowing us to be part of your life.
Your success also represents your love of country and community. America needs an
educated, nimble workforce for what shall be a most amazing century. Whatever your age, we need you to be the generation that makes our nation better for the next
generation, and that is who you are as you walk across this stage today.
As we proceed with the ceremony, I hope you and those in your circles of love will make a deafening noise. Let all of Concord hear you. Let them hear you in Pittsburg, let them hear you in Claremont, let them hear you in Nashua and in Portsmouth. Let the heavens know we are here today in acclamation of you.
And always remember: You are a Lynx. You are NHTI made flesh in our community. Please encourage others that they can forge their futures, just as you have done. We need more people like you, and we love you very much.
Patrick Tompkins, Ph.D.
President, NHTI – Concord’s Community College

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