Report an Incident
Information sent via the NHTI Incident Report Form is not actively monitored.
If you need an immediate Campus Safety response, call 603-224-3287 (dial 9 first if using a campus phone).
If you are reporting an emergency, call 911 and then call Campus Safety.
We strongly encourage the reporting of crimes, accidents, incidents, and emergencies. Alternative methods to receive an immediate response:
- Yellow 911 call boxes: Directly contacts 911 and emergency services
- Code Blue Phones: Directly contacts Campus Safety
- Elevator Phones: Directly contacts Campus Safety
While it is helpful to know the identity of anyone reporting incidents, you can remain anonymous. Please enter your name, e-mail address, and telephone number only if you wish to be contacted should additional information be required of you. To remain anonymous, leave this information blank on the form.
We strongly recommend reporting directly to local authorities in situations where the need is obvious: an assault taking place, a fire, a medical emergency, etc. In these instances, the notification of Campus Safety or other college personnel should take place only after emergency authorities have been notified.

Contact Us:
Campus Safety
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301