Title IX Resources

CCSNH and its colleges are committed to creating and maintaining a positive and productive learning environment. In furtherance of this objective, CCSNH prohibits discrimination in the administration of its education programs and activities based on sex including conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct, as described below. CCSNH also prohibits retaliation against anyone who is involved in making or reporting of a complaint, or in the investigation or hearing of a formal complaint of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.

Title IX States:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Scope of Policy and Jurisdiction

CCSNH and its colleges prohibit sexual misconduct/sexual harassment against any person participating in or attempting to participate in education programs and activities of CCSNH/colleges. The scope and definitions of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment under federal and state laws differ, as described below. Sexual misconduct by employees is addressed under CCS Policies 323.01 and 323.02.

Inquiries regarding Title IX may be directed to:

Lea Cole, Title IX Coordinator
NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301

Inquiries may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights, Boston Office
U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor
5 Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109-3921
TTY: 1-800-877-8339
Fax: 617-289-0150


Definitions for Formal Grievance Procedures

Sexual Harassment: Includes any of the three types of misconduct on the basis of sex, all of which jeopardize the equal access to education that Title IX is designed to protect:

  • Any instance of quid pro quo harassment by an employee of CCSNH
  • Any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access
  • Any instance of sexual violence, which includes sexual assault (as defined in the Clery Act), domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

Filing a Report

All persons are encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment involving students, and reports may be made without regard to whether the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of alleged sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.

All CCSNH/college employees with supervisory or management responsibilities and individuals designated as campus security authorities under the Clery Act who receive information about possible sexual misconduct/harassment of students are required to make a report.

Reports of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment should be directed to the appropriate Title IX coordinator and may be made in person or by calling:

Title IX Coordinator
NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301

A report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may also be made to Campus Safety or local or state police. For more information please refer to the CCSNH TIX Policies above, specifically sections V.B.

A report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may also be made to Campus Safety or local or state police. For more information please refer to the CCSNH TIX Policies above, specifically sections V.B.

Title IX Coordinator

When a report of sexual violence is received by the Title IX coordinator, the reporting party will be given written information about college processes, supportive measures and support services and will also be informed of the right to file a formal complaint with the Title IX coordinator and/or a criminal complaint with the police.

All NHTI employees with supervisory or management responsibilities, and individuals designated as Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act (including RAs and coaches), who receive information about possible sexual misconduct/harassment of students are required to make a report.

Reports to the Title IX coordinator may be made in person or by calling:

Title IX Coordinator
NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301

Campus Safety Office

Reports may also be made with NHTI Campus Safety, which is staffed 24 hour/day all year round. These reports will be forwarded to the Title IX coordinator, but are not reported to local law enforcement without consent of the complainant.

Campus Safety
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-230-4042 (Daytime)
603-224-3287 (Nights/weekends/emergencies)

Anonymous Reports

Anonymous/online reporting is also available at NHTI; however, this may limit the college’s ability to investigate and address the report. Online reporting is available through the NHTI Campus Safety webpage.

Criminal Complaint

Sexual misconduct that may be criminal in nature can be reported to local law enforcement. If an individual reports sexual misconduct at their college, the college will inform the individual about the option to pursue criminal action for incidents of sexual misconduct that may also be crimes under New Hampshire law. If requested, NHTI will assist the individual in making a criminal report and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to the extent permitted by law.

Reports to police that occur on or near the college campus may be made to:

State of New Hampshire Police Headquarters
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-3636 or 603-273-4381

After a report of sexual misconduct/ sexual harassment, is made, the Title IX Coordinator will meet with the complainant (alleged victim), if they are identified in the report, to discuss and implement any needed supportive measures.  Such measures will remain confidential to the extent possible in the particular circumstances. 

Supportive measures are individualized services offered to a complainant following a report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.   Supportive measures may also be provided as appropriate to respondents after a formal complaint is filed.  Supportive measures are designed to facilitate a party’s ability to access education programs and activities, without overly burdening the other party (prior to a finding of responsibility).  Examples of supportive measures include, but are not limited to no contact orders, referrals for services, changes in schedules, etc.

The Title IX coordinator will explain the process(es) that apply to the allegations raised, including the process for filing a formal Title IX complaint if the conduct may constitute sexual harassment under Title IX.

No investigation will occur unless a formal complaint is filed with the Title IX coordinator by the complainant, or the Title IX Coordinator decides to file a formal complaint.  The formal complaint must be in writing and include the following:

  1. Basic information about the possible violation(s) of sexual harassment (such as date, time, location, type of incident, name(s) of individuals involved).
  2. A request that CCSNH/College investigate the allegation(s).

The Title IX coordinator may determine that specific circumstances warrant pursuing a formal complaint (such as when the alleged respondent has previously been found responsible for serious sexual misconduct or there may be a safety threat to the CCSNH/college community), even when the complainant does not file a formal complaint. In such cases, the complainant will receive advance notice as well as notices of activities at various points in the procedure, but is not a party to the case. Likewise, the Title IX coordinator is not a party, for purposes of this procedure, if they file a formal complaint on behalf of CCSNH/College.

The Title IX coordinator may consolidate formal complaints where circumstances warrant.


The Title IX coordinator will provide written notice of the formal complaint and allegations of sexual harassment potentially constituting prohibited conduct under this policy. The notice will include:

  • Notice regarding the procedure and the availability of an informal resolution process
  • Sufficient details known at the time (including identities of parties, if known; the conduct alleged; and the date and location of the alleged incident, if known), with sufficient time to prepare before any initial interview (no less than 5 calendar days)
  • As required by the Title IX regulations, a statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct and that a determination of responsibility will be made at the conclusion of the grievance process
  • Notice that the parties may have an advisor of their choice, who may be an attorney
  • Notice that the parties may inspect and review evidence
  • Notice of provisions in the conduct processes applicable to students, faculty or staff that prohibits making false reports or providing materially false information in bad faith during the grievance process
  • Notice that the parties may discuss their case. However, parties should avoid statements that are defamatory; or that disclose other conduct which could be viewed objectively as constituting intimidation or retaliation; or that may impair the integrity of the investigation or procedure
  • Notice that CCSNH/college, not either party, has the burden of proof
  • Notice of the name of the investigator, with sufficient time (no less than five calendar days) to raise then-known reasonable concerns of conflict of interest or bias, and the basis for those concerns, to the Title IX coordinator
  • Notice that the parties can raise reasonable concerns regarding the Title IX coordinator to:

Ann-Marie Hartshorn
Community College System of New Hampshire
Director of Internal Audit
26 College Dr
Concord NH, 03301
Phone: 603-230-3595
Email: ahartshorn@ccsnh.edu


The Title IX coordinator will appoint an investigator to investigate the formal complaint. The investigator will:

  • Meet with the parties after they have received appropriate notice of any meeting and its purpose, with sufficient time to prepare.
  • Allow parties to have their advisor at all meetings (advisors may not speak for the party).
  • Allow parties to identify witnesses and submit favorable and unfavorable evidence.
  • Interview witnesses and conduct such other activities that will assist in ascertaining facts. The investigator shall prepare written summaries of all interviews.
  • Consider evidence that is relevant and directly related to the allegations in the formal complaint.
  • Prior to completing the investigation report, provide the parties and their advisors with an equal opportunity to inspect and review any evidence that is obtained in the investigation that is directly related to the allegations in the formal complaint. This includes all directly-related evidence, whether the Investigator intends to rely upon it or not in the investigation report, as well as evidence favorable and unfavorable to the parties. The parties will be provided 10 calendar days to submit a written response. The investigator shall consider the parties’ written responses prior to completing the investigation report.
  • Create an investigation report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence and submit it to the Title IX coordinator. The investigator may, at their discretion, comment on the credibility of a party, witness, or documentary evidence.

In turn, the Title IX coordinator shall:

Provide a hard or electronic copy of the investigation report to the parties and advisors (if any) at least 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing, for their review and written responses. The parties and advisors must acknowledge that they will not further disseminate the investigation report to any person, but may use it to prepare for the hearing.  Responses to the investigation report must be provided to the Title IX coordinator within five days of receipt of the report. The Title IX Coordinator shall provide each party with all responses.

In their responses, parties must identify any claims of procedural error in the procedure followed including any claim of conflict of interest or bias by the investigator.  The Title IX coordinator, in consultation with other CCSNH/college officials, will evaluate any claim of procedural error and remedy any error as appropriate, including but not limited to requiring the investigator to interview other witnesses or consider additional evidence.

NHTI shall conduct a live hearing through which a decision maker will consider the evidence, make determinations of responsibility, and impose remedies including, if warranted, disciplinary sanctions.

The Title IX coordinator shall be responsible for scheduling the live hearing (no less than ten calendar days after receiving the written responses to the investigative report) and notifying persons who need to be present at the hearing.  Witnesses will be requested to provide testimony at the hearing.  Some important features of hearings include the following:

  • Under Title IX, CCSNH/college has no authority to compel parties, witnesses or advisors to be present for a hearing.
  • At the request of a party, the parties will be in separate rooms with technology to allow the parties and decision maker to see and hear parties/witnesses answering questions.
  • The decision maker, not the investigator, makes the final determination of responsibility and impose remedies, including disciplinary sanctions where warranted. The decision maker will not be the Title IX Coordinator or the investigator.
  • The decision maker may impose reasonable time limits on opening/closing statements, cross-examination, and comments by the parties and their advisors during the hearing, and shall generally preside over the hearing and enforce the rules of decorum.
  • The decision maker may ask questions of the parties, their advisors and any witnesses.
  • The decision maker shall rule on the relevance of evidence offered or of any question asked of a party or witness prior to the question being answered, especially during cross-examination.
  • The decision maker may request input from CCSNH/college officials concerning possible sanctions, either during the live hearing or during the period between the close of the hearing and the issuance of the decision maker’s written determination.
  • CCSNH counsel may attend the hearing and may provide advice to the decision maker or guidance to the participants during the hearing as needed.
  • Parties must have an advisor at the hearing. If a party does not have an advisor at this stage of the process, CCSNH/college will appoint one for the party at no cost to the party.
  • The Title IX regulations require that advisors (and not the parties) may question parties and witnesses, following rules of decorum.
  • A video or audio recording or transcript shall be made of the hearing, and made available to the parties for inspection and review.

Standard of Proof

NHTI uses a preponderance of the evidence standard (“more likely than not”) in making determinations of responsibility.

 Determination of Responsibility

The decision maker shall issue a written determination, which shall include the following:

  • Identification of all the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment as defined in the Title IX regulations and this policy.
  • A description of the procedural steps taken from receipt of the formal complaint through the determination, including notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses, site visits, methods used to gather other evidence, and hearings held.
  • Findings of fact supporting the determination.
  • A statement of, and rationale for, the result as to each allegation, including a determination regarding responsibility, and any disciplinary sanctions CCSNH/college imposes on the respondent.
  • A statement as to whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to CCSNH/college education programs and activities will be provided to the complainant; however, the decision maker shall not identify such remedies. The Title IX coordinator shall work with the complainant to design remedies consistent with the decision maker’s findings.
  • The procedure and permissible bases for the complainant and respondent to appeal the determination (or dismissal).

The written determination shall be provided to the parties simultaneously.  The determination concerning responsibility becomes final either on the date that CCSNH/college provides the parties with the written determination of the results of the appeal, if an appeal is filed (see subsection 9 below), or if an appeal is not filed, the date on which the appeal period expires. A complaint filed with an external agency is not an appeal for purposes of determining when a finding of responsibility becomes final.


Upon determining that a student respondent committed the alleged conduct and thereby violated this policy, the decision maker may impose one or more of the following sanctions:

  • WARNING – a notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated institutional policy
  • PROBATION – a written reprimand for violation of specified policies. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found during the period of probation to be violating any institutional regulations
  • LOSS OF PRIVILEGES – denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time (e.g., social probation, vehicular privileges, deactivation of a group, limited access to facilities, persona non grata designation)
  • NO CONTACT – restriction prohibiting an individual from approaching or contacting a specified individual
  • FINES – previously established and published fines may be imposed;
  • RESTITUTION – compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement
  • RESIDENCE HALL/CAMPUS HOUSING SUSPENSION – separation from the residence halls/campus housing for a definite period of time, with conditions for readmission (if appropriate)
  • RESIDENCE HALL/CAMPUS HOUSING EXPULSION – permanent separation from the residence halls/campus housing
  • CLASS/ COLLEGE SUSPENSION – separation from class(es) or the College for a definite period of time, with conditions for readmission (if appropriate)
  • COLLEGE DISMISSAL/EXPULSION – permanent separation from all CCSNH colleges which may include loss of campus visitation privileges
  • EDUCATIONAL OR SERVICE SANCTIONS – imposed in addition to or in lieu of the above sanctions; examples of such sanctions include but are not limited to: work assignments, service to the college, written letter of apology, and mandatory meetings with a college official. Such sanctions require the approval of any person(s) whose participation is required for the completion of the sanction(s).

 Supportive Measures and Remedies

The Title IX coordinator may continue and/or adjust supportive measures for the complainant following the conclusion of the procedure, based on the complainant’s needs at that time.

 “Remedies” are measures used to ensure that the complainant has equal access to the college’s education programs and activities following a decision maker’s determination.  Such remedies may include supportive measures and depend upon the determination and the needs of the complainant. The Title IX coordinator is responsible for implementing remedies and providing any needed assistance to the complainant.


 Parties have the opportunity to appeal a determination regarding responsibility, and from dismissals of formal complaints. Appeals are allowed on the following grounds:

  • Procedural errors that affected the outcome of the matter
  • New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility or dismissal was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter
  • The Title IX coordinator wrongfully concluded that the formal complaint did not constitute sexual harassment under this procedure and dismissed the formal complaint
  • The Title IX coordinator, investigator or decision maker had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally, or the individual complainant or respondent, that affected the outcome of the matter
  • A sanction imposed was improper in light of mitigating or extenuating circumstances not known at the time that a Party was provided an opportunity to comment on sanctions, if any, or was not properly considered by the decision maker.

An appeal must be filed in writing within 10 calendar days of receiving the determination, stating the grounds for the appeal and including any relevant documentation in support of the appeal. Unless granted an extension for good cause by the Title IX coordinator before the expiration of the appeal period, appeals submitted after this deadline are not timely and shall not be considered.

  • Appeals must be filed by email with the Title IX coordinator, who shall refer it to the appropriate appeals officer.
  • The Title IX coordinator shall provide a copy of the appeal to all other parties.
  • The other parties shall have seven calendar days to submit a written statement addressing the appeal.
  • The officer considering the appeal shall conduct an impartial review of the appeal, including consideration of the record of the matter, and may consult with other CCSNH/college officials and/or CCSNH counsel in making their decision.
  • The appeals officer shall issue a written decision describing the result of the appeal and rationale for the result, and provide it simultaneously to the parties. The officer may: 1) deny the appeal; 2) grant the appeal and send back the matter to the decision maker for further consideration; 3) grant the appeal and send back the matter for a new live hearing before a new decision maker; 4) grant the appeal by revising the sanction; or 5) grant the appeal of a dismissal of a formal complaint and order that an investigation be conducted.

Victims of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may pursue assistance and/or support confidentially by contacting a New Hampshire Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Center.

Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire
603-225-7376      Non-Emergency Contact
1-866-841-6229   Emergency Contact

Confidential support services are available to anyone who has been impacted by sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking. Services are open and affirming to all, and an individual need not be in crisis to call.

Immediate, confidential help is also available by calling:

  • New Hampshire 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-866-644-3574
  • New Hampshire 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-277-5570
  • National 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

Conversations with crisis center and crisis line volunteers and advisors (who are also confidential resources) are protected under New Hampshire’s confidentiality statute (NH RSA 173-C).

Confidential resources can assist with information and referrals to medical and counseling resources and provide additional assistance as appropriate, such as referral to medical facilities where an individual may request that a medical forensic exam be administered by a trained sexual violence forensic health care provider, including information on transportation options and information on reimbursement of travel costs, if any.

The above-listed confidential resources can provide emotional support and information or referrals to on-campus and off-campus resources. They can also accompany a reporting party to meetings with the Title IX coordinator, investigation interviews, discipline meetings or hearings. Confidential resources are not employees of CCSNH.


NHTI provides free, short-term and crisis intervention individual counseling services to all students. To make an appointment call 603-230-4047 or contact:

Lynx C.A.R.E. Center
Academic Center for Excellence, Learning Commons Library Building

Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire

Victims of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may pursue assistance and/or support confidentially by contacting a New Hampshire Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Center.

Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire
603-225-7376      Non-Emergency Contact
1-866-841-6229   Emergency Contact

Confidential help and support is available from Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire, a New Hampshire Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Center. Through the crisis center free and confidential support services are available to anyone who has been impacted by domestic or sexual violence or stalking. Services are open and affirming to all, and an individual does not need to be in crisis to call. Immediate confidential help is also available by calling:

  • New Hampshire 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-866-644-3574
  • New Hampshire 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-277-5570
  • National 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

Even if you do not want to file a formal complaint, resources for support are still available to you. Advocates from the Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to help with any and all needs including seeking medical attention, seeking emotional support or assistance filing a complaint.

The Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire provides free and confidential support, advocacy, and crisis intervention services.

NHTI – Concord’s Community College students also have access to free confidential counseling through our Counseling Center. See above for contact information.

Emergency Medical Services

Concord Hospital
250 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH

Transportation to Available Medical Services

Concord Area Transit
Students with valid NHTI ID ride free


Cost estimate from NHTI to Concord Hospital is approximately $12.

Cost estimate from NHTI to Concord Hospital is approximately $12.

Assistance with Costs of Emergency Medical Services

New Hampshire Victims’ Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301-6397
Phone: (603) 271-1284
Toll Free: 1-800-300-4500 (in N.H. only)
TDD Access Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964
email: victimcomp@doj.nh.gov

Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire
603-225-7376      Non-Emergency Contact
1-866-841-6229   Emergency Contact

Protection Orders

Victims of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may obtain a protection (no contact) order, as well as other supportive measures, from the Title IX Coordinator following a report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment (see Section VI below). 

Victims of sexual misconduct involving domestic violence or stalking may pursue a court-ordered protection order by contacting or appearing at the local court:

6th Circuit – District Division – Concord
32 Clinton Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 1-855-212-1234
Hours: Monday – Friday; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Jurisdiction: City of Concord, and the towns of Loudon, Canterbury, Dunbarton, Bow, Hopkinton, Pittsfield, Chichester, and Epsom.

Contact information for the Circuit Courts in other towns or locations please visit  https://www.courts.state.nh.us/courtlocations/atol.htm.

Individuals who obtain a protection order issued by a court are asked to contact, and provide a copy of the order to, the CCSNH/ College Title IX Coordinator.  Upon receipt, CCSNH/College can assist in enforcement of the order as it pertains to the alleged victim’s or respondent’s participation in CCSNH/College programs or activities, to the extent applicable.

When a report of sexual harassment is received, the Title IX Coordinator will provide information about supportive measures. Supportive measures are individualized services offered to a complainant following a report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.   Supportive measures may also be provided as appropriate to respondents after a formal complaint is filed. 

Supportive measures are actions taken by the college to restore or preserve equal access to education programs without unreasonably burdening any individual (prior to a finding of responsibility) or the college, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties. Supportive measures may include, but are not limited to no contact orders, counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work (if working on campus) or class schedules, campus escort services, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus, referrals for services, and other similar measures. Supportive measures may be implemented whether or not a formal complaint is filed.

The Title IX coordinator will determine whether supportive measures and accommodations are reasonable and should be implemented, and, if so, will work to ensure that these measures and accommodations are implemented as soon as possible. To seek supportive measures or accommodations, students should contact their College Title IX Coordinator.

If an outside agency or court of law has put in place an order of protection, the order should be provided to the College Title IX Coordinator so that the College may take appropriate measures consistent with the order.

ndividuals accused of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment may seek assistance from a confidential advisor, which may include an advocate or attorney, by contacting the CCSNH/College Title IX Coordinator or the following organizations:

NHTI Counseling Office
Student Center or South Hall
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-230-4043 or 603-271-6484 x4158

Online Counseling Services – Kepro
Free online confidential counseling services available to students
For access visit NHTI Counseling website.

Legal Resources

Sexual Harassment Education: Awareness, Prevention, and Response

NHTI – Concord’s Community College is committed to providing current and up to date training for all members of its community that are involved in the implementation of our reporting and grievance process.

Title IX Coordinator Training

NHTI’s Title IX Coordinator participated in training on the new CCSNH policy and Title IX process in July 2021. The training was conducted by Drummond Woodsum Attorneys at Law.

Title IX Coordinator Training

Investigator Training

Key members of NHTI – Concord’s Community College participated in extensive training through D. Stafford & Associates on Title IX and how to conduct a Title IX investigation in February 2020.  These members include the Vice President for Student Affairs & Title IX Coordinator, our Student Conduct Coordinator and three Campus Safety Officers, who conduct our investigations. These members undergo recertification training yearly through D. Stafford & Associates.

Due to proprietary ownership of the training by D. Stafford & Associates, a copy of the training is currently not available. Questions regarding the training may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.

Additional training will be provided to investigators by Drummond Woodsum Attorneys at Law during Fall 2021.

Hearing Board Training

NHTI – Concord’s Community College has developed training specific to members of our Title IX Conduct Hearing Boards. The training is provided annually and includes, but not be limited to:

  • Information on working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual misconduct.
  • Information on conduct that constitutes sexual harassment including sexual violence.
  • Information on consent and the role drugs and alcohol may play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • The effects of trauma, including any neurobiological impact on a person.
  • Cultural competence training regarding how sexual misconduct may impact individuals differently depending on factors that contribute to an individual’s cultural background, including but not limited to national origin, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
  • Ways to communicate sensitively and compassionately with a reporting party of sexual misconduct including but not limited to an awareness of responding to a reporting party with consideration of that party’s cultural background and providing services to or assisting in locating services for the reporting party. Ways to communicate sensitively with a responding party including an awareness of the emotional impact of being wrongly accused.
  • Training and information regarding how dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking may impact students with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

Hearing Board Training

Additional training will be provided to Title IX Conduct Hearing Boards by Drummond Woodsum Attorneys at Law during Fall 2021.

NHTI – Concord’s Community College faculty and staff are provided with annual training on Title IX, as well as College policy and process. Training is mandatory and participation is recorded.  The training includes, but not be limited to:

  • An explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships.
  • The role drugs and alcohol play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • Information on options relating to the reporting of an incident of sexual harassment generally and sexual violence specifically under this policy and the effects of each option, and the methods to report an incident of sexual violence including confidential and anonymous disclosure.
  • Information on the college’s procedures for resolving sexual harassment including sexual violence complaints, and the range of sanctions the college may impose on students and employees found responsible for a violation.
  • The name, contact information, and role of the confidential resource.
  • Responsibility of faculty and staff in receiving reports.

Faculty/Staff Training 

NHTI – Concord’s Community College also provides students with prevention and awareness programming at New Student Orientation and through general education outreach.  Specialized programming has been developed for high-risk populations such as Residence Hall students and student athletic teams. The training includes, but not be limited to:

  • An explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships.
  • The role drugs and alcohol play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • Information on options relating to the reporting of an incident of sexual harassment generally and sexual violence specifically under this policy and the effects of each option, and the methods to report an incident of sexual violence including confidential and anonymous disclosure.
  • Information on the college’s procedures for resolving sexual harassment including sexual violence complaints, and the range of sanctions the college may impose on students and employees found responsible for a violation.
  • The name, contact information, and role of the confidential resource.
  • Strategies for bystander intervention and risk reduction.



NHTI – Concord’s Community College encourages members of our community to download uSafeUS®, a free and confidential app that helps protect yourself and your community – both on and off-campus. Whenever something feels “off” about a situation you’re in, uSafeUS® is always there to help:

  • Fake a call or text to make a smooth exit from an uncomfortable situation
  • Notify friends when you’re walking alone on campus
  • Quick links to support and answers to your questions about sexual assault, relationship violence, & stalking.

Download the app at App Store or Google Play.  Select NHTI – Concord’s Community College as your campus, and become familiar with the uSafeUS® tools and resources available 24/7 wherever you may go.

RSA 188H: Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey

A sexual misconduct climate survey with a series of standard base questions was distributed to all undergraduate and graduate students in the state of New Hampshire as a required component of a new state law aimed at addressing campus sexual misconduct. This survey was administered at NHTI in February and March of 2022, and  the survey results can be found here.

When reviewing the summary findings, please note that the definition of sexual misconduct as it relates to this survey is quite broad, so it is important to read the survey questions and responses in their entirety and note the total number of people who answered a specific question to best understand the results. The results will be an important component in our campus’s ongoing work to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence.

Statewide data on the sexual misconduct survey can be found here.

Contact Us:

Lea Cole, Title IX Coordinator
NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301