Become a Resident Assistant

Resident assistants (RAs) are peer advisors and mentors who live and work with on-campus residents and assist them in addressing personal and academic needs. Our RAs help build the NHTI community by getting to know residents, planning floor/hall events, and maintaining a secure environment. Our RAs genuinely care about residents and want to help students like you succeed.
Do you want to know more and receive an application? Let us know in the form below, and we’ll get in touch!
Being an RA is challenging and rewarding – here are some of the benefits you can expect:
- Enhanced skills in time management, communication, peer counseling, event planning, leadership, navigating college resources, and more! These skills can give you a significant boost in your job search after college.
- The chance to make a positive difference in the resident community and in your residents’ lives
- Opportunity for summer positions and housing
- No-cost single room and 15-meal dining plan
Minimum Qualifications
- All RAs must live on campus during employment as a RA (room and board provided)
- No previous on-campus housing experience is required!
- RAs must be NHTI students in good academic standing
- Full-time enrollment (minimum of 12 credits)
Selection Process
The RA selection process happens once per semester, with interviews resulting in hiring for the following semester. (Applications and interviews are conducted in the Fall for Spring semester hires, and vice versa.)
After completing the selection process, candidates may be offered a position, waitlisted for the following semester, or asked to reapply. Current RAs in good standing do not need to reapply each semester.
Fall Semester
- Applications open March 1.
- Information session first week of April; details sent to applicant’s student email.
- Individual interviews with residence director(s)
- Candidates will receive hiring decisions prior to the end of the spring semester for the upcoming fall term.
Spring Semester
- Applications open Nov. 1.
- Information session first week of December; details sent to applicant’s student email.
- Individual interviews with residence director(s)
- Candidates will receive hiring decisions prior to the end of the fall semester for the upcoming spring term.
Summer RAs
The Summer RA position is currently limited only to returning RAs that have completed the prior spring term as resident assistants due to limited space and training opportunities. New RAs can only begin in a regular academic (Fall or Spring) semester.
Resident Assistant Interest Form
Please complete this form to have the RA application sent to you via email. The application is online and subject to review of NHTI Residence Life professional staff.

Contact Us:
Residence Life
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-9315