NHTI Cares

NHTI Cares helps students with immediate, emergency, and one-time expenses that you may need assistance in paying. This covers situations such as loss of employment, unanticipated medical issues, changes in family dynamics, and unanticipated expenses associated with NHTI course work.
NHTI Cares was created in fall 2018 in response to an increase in students experiencing short-term financial stress due to specific, unanticipated circumstances. Examples of what NHTI Cares can pay for include, but are not limited to:
- Medical expenses
- Weather- and work-appropriate clothing
- Groceries (make sure to visit the Lynx Food Pantry page)
- Car repairs
- Professional licenses
These funds are not intended to be used for textbooks, tuition, or room and board associated with NHTI.
Each request has a $100 cap. Two financial awards can be given per semester, including summer, for a total of $600 per year. To access this assistance, you must be currently enrolled as a student at NHTI when the request is made.
Book Support
Starting in Spring 2022, NHTI Cares has been asked to review requests from students needing assistance in paying for books and other classroom supplies. The funds to support these requests come from the amount allocated in the annual bookstore contract and The President’s Fund for Excellence since NHTI Cares was not intended for this purpose.
There is no cap on the amount of assistance available for books and the books must be obtained from the on-campus bookstore.
Donate to NHTI Cares
If you would like to donate to NHTI Cares, you can do so online or by mailing a check made out to “NHTI” with “NHTI Cares” in the memo line to:
NHTI Health Services
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Request Assistance

Contact Us:
Counseling Services
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
603-230-4043 option 2