Walk-In Wednesday

Join us for Walk-In Wednesday – it’s everything you need to enroll in one day! We offer no application fee and on-the-spot admissions.

Therapy Dog Visit

Finals can be stressful — and petting a pup can reduce that stress! Join our volunteer therapy dogs in the Student Center for a few minutes of cuddles on your […]

Winter Wellness Fair

Join the Lynx C.A.R.E. Center in the Student Center for a celebration of wellness to help you through finals and beyond. 

Free Chair Massages

It’s an NHTI Finals Week tradition! Students can sign up for a free chair massages in the Student Center! Sponsored by Student Senate

Winter Open House at NHTI

Discover NHTI! Learn from our faculty, students, and staff how NHTI is a student-centered campus offering challenging academic programs, the support to help you meet your educational and career goals, […]

College Transfer Assistance: UMass Lowell

Join our special guests from local 4-year colleges to help you figure out where your educational journey leads next. These representatives can give you more information, set up appointments with […]

NHDOT Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition

Join high school students from across the region test out their engineering skills with popsicle bridges! The event starts with the bridge check in around 8:30 a.m. and opening welcome at 9 a.m. 

College Transfer Assistance: Merrimack College

Join our special guests from local 4-year colleges to help you figure out where your educational journey leads next. These representatives can give you more information, set up appointments with […]