Campus Safety

Campus Safety: Our Mission
The primary mission of the NHTI Campus Safety Department is to provide professional and exceptional public safety services for the college community and campus visitors to ensure a safe educational environment built on fairness, integrity, respect, and transparency.
- Fairness: Treat all persons impartially, with consideration, compassion, and understanding. Be equally responsive to all members of the communities we serve.
- Integrity: Commit to ethical conduct, honesty, and trustfulness in the execution of our duties.
- Respect: Treat all persons in a dignified and courteous manner while valuing and understating their unique individual backgrounds.
- Transparency: Being open and honest on department operations, when able, and accountable to the communities we serve.
The Campus Safety Department operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Campus Safety Officers conduct routine patrols of the campus, on foot, or by vehicle. Campus Safety Officers are unsworn officers and do not have arrests powers; they work closely and coordinate with the New Hampshire State Police and the Concord Police Department.
The Campus Safety Department strongly encourages any person to report crimes, suspicious or concerning behaviors, or any other safety related concerns immediately.
All mandated reporters (Campus Security Authorities, Title IX-mandated reporters) are required by federal law to report specific crimes to the Campus Safety Department; however, they should report all crimes to the Campus Safety Department for accurate crime classification, addition to the Daily Crime Log, and to ensure the determination for dissemination of timely warnings.
Per the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Annual Security and Fire Reports are prepared by the Campus Safety Department using statistical and other information supplied by NHTI Campus Security Authorities, the Concord Police Department, and the New Hampshire State Police.
Safety and security information is regularly provided to the college community through timely warnings and emergency alerts, email messaging, social media, posters, and brochures.
Get NHTI Alerts
NHTI Alerts, through Rave Mobile Safety, is an emergency notification system that sends campus safety info to students, faculty, and staff. The system sends text and voice messages should a weather closure/delay, emergency situation, or crisis occur on the NHTI campus.
NHTI students, faculty, and staff are automatically registered to receive alerts via college email and are strongly encouraged to add their cell phone, landline, or other emails to the system profile. The system’s reliability is dependent on the accuracy of the contact information.
To access or update your contact info, visit
Campus Safety Services
Campus Safety provides the following safety and assistance related services including:
The NHTI Campus has 9 AEDs on campus located in the areas listed in the table below. These are managed and maintained by the NHTI Campus Safety Department.
Public AEDs are located in areas where AEDs are accessible to anyone when buildings are open. Non-public AEDs are located in areas where AEDs are accessible to only designated staff in these areas.
When someone is experiencing a medical emergency (i.e. loss of consciousness, excessive bleeding, chest pain, etc.) contact:
- 911 for emergency medical services
- NHTI’s Campus Safety Department
The NHTI Campus Safety department staff are trained in pediatric, child, and adult first aid, CPR, and AED usage. NHTI Campus Safety officers are trained in the identification of an opioid overdose and administration of Naloxone.
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) serves as a central network focused on preventive and timely intervention before a crisis arises. BIT is a resource for faculty, staff, and students by which they can report behaviors that may evoke alarm or concern among involved persons. These can include but are not limited to:
- Suspected violations of college policies
- Concerns about a student’s well-being
- Self-injurious behavior/suicidal ideation or attempt
- Erratic behavior (including on-line activities) that disrupts the mission and/or normal proceedings of college students, faculty, staff, or community
- Threats of a weapon on campus
- Hospital transport for alcohol and drug use/abuse
- Behaviors which appears to be dangerous or threatening to others
- Other behavior that is inappropriate or disruptive
The BIT process does not replace faculty classroom management, disciplinary processes, and/or public safety responses to incidents.
If you need immediate assistance with a threat or concern, contact Campus Safety at 603-224-3287.
Should lock your keys in an classroom/office:
- Contact a employee of the department. If an employee is unavailable, contact Campus Safety at 603-224-3287.
Campus Safety will perform unlock requests providing the following:
- You wait at the room once you have made the unlock request.
- You have prior authorization to access the location.
- You can provide identification. (ID can be shown once the door is unlocked if it’s inside the room.)
NHTI has lockers available:
- Sweeney Hall third floor and Little Hall second floor lockers are available to faculty, staff, and students.
- MacRury Hall restroom lockers are for Dental Program students only and are assigned through the Dental Program.
- The Wellness Center and Sweeney Hall locker room lockers are for day use only and are issued through the Wellness Center Office.
Locker users are encouraged to purchase locks to secure the locker. NHTI is not responsible for lost or stolen articles contained within the locker. To reserve a locker, please contact Campus Safety at 603-224-3287 or
Campus Safety takes possession of lost items found on campus. They are inventoried, logged, and held for 30 days, after which they are discarded.
To retrieve your property, go to Campus Safety, provide valid identification, and sign the lost and found inventory log indicating you have received your property.
Contact Campus Safety for claims and inquiries regarding lost property at 603-224-3287 or
Campus Safety will respond and attempt to unlock your vehicle under the following circumstances:
- You wait by the vehicle.
- You can provide proof it is your vehicle through registration, insurance, etc.
- You complete a Motor Vehicle Lockout Card and sign the waiver absolving NHTI and Campus Safety from liability for any damage done to your vehicle.
Every vehicle is different, and there are no guarantees that officers will be able to open your vehicle.
Campus Safety will respond and attempt to jumpstart your vehicle under the following circumstances:
- You wait by the vehicle.
- You can provide proof it is your vehicle through registration, insurance, etc.
- You complete a Motor Vehicle Jumpstart Card and sign the waiver absolving NHTI and Campus Safety from liability for any damage done to your vehicle.
Every vehicle is different, and the issues with the vehicle may not be a dead battery. There are no guarantees that officers will be able to jumpstart your vehicle.
For a residence hall room lockout:
- Contact Residence Life. If you are unable to reach a Residence Life staff member, contact Campus Safety at 603-224-3287.
An officer will perform an unlock request provided the following:
- You wait at your assigned room once you have made the unlock request.
- You are the legal occupant of the room as verified on the NHTI Residence housing roster.
- You can provide identification. (ID can be shown once your door is unlocked if it’s inside your room.)
Campus Safety officers will not provide an unlock service of a room other than your own, nor will they provide access to a residence hall for non-residents.
We offer the following types of escorts on campus:
- Walking escorts on college property for identified safety-related concerns
- Motor vehicle escorts for medical-related concerns
You may request this service at any time by contacting Campus Safety’s Emergency Line at 603-224-3287 or through one of the ten Code Blue Assistance phones located throughout the college grounds.
When contacting Campus Safety, provide us with your name, current location, reason why escort is needed, and destination. You will be given an estimated time of arrival to your location.
Please remember Campus Safety officers have many other responsibilities and may not be able to respond immediately to your request.
Your student ID serves many purposes both on and off campus, such as checking out books from the NHTI Library, accessing the Wellness Center, and using equipment in the student center.
Getting Your First Student ID
- Orientation – When you arrive at Orientation, you’ll be given a schedule that allows you time to have your student ID picture taken. Student IDs are taken in Sweeney Hall.
- Campus Safety Office – If you are unable to get your student ID picture at orientation, visit the Campus Safety office at 1 Institute Drive, on the second floor of the Business/Campus Safety building.
- Evening Students – You can get your student ID by calling Campus Safety at 603-224-3287. An officer will meet you at the Campus Safety office and process your ID.
Replacing Your Student ID
If you need a new student ID for any reason, go to the Campus Safety office, located at 1 Institute Drive. The fee for each replacement is $25.00. This charge is applied to your student account at the Bursar’s Office.
Victim Services
If you are the victim of a crime, NHTI Campus Safety is here to help you:
Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act and Duty to Report
Under the Federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, sex offenders who are otherwise required to register in a state must notify the state of each institution of higher education at which the offender is employed, enrolled as a student, or carries on a vocation.
If a registered sex offender is employed, enrolled, or carries on a vocation at NHTI-Concord’s Community College, the State of New Hampshire Department of Safety must promptly notify the Campus Safety Department. Under RSA 651‑B:4 (Duty to Report), convicted sex offenders who are working with or without compensation at, or enrolled for classes at NHTI-Concord’s Community College, must register with the State of New Hampshire.
Failure to register, depending on specific circumstances of the failure to register, are either felony or misdemeanor level offenses. Members of the NHTI community who wish to obtain information regarding registered sex offenders should go in person to the Concord Police Department or the New Hampshire State Police Headquarters.
To review the registry online of persons registered in the State of New Hampshire visit the New Hampshire Registration of Sexual Offenders website at
To review the registry online of persons registered anywhere in the United States, including Washington D.C., U.S territories and Native American reservations, nations or tribes visit the United States.
Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website (
Critical Incident and Emergency Response
Campus Safety serves as the Office of Emergency Management for NHTI. All department staff are trained the the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS), Incident Command System (ICS), and All Hazards Approach to incident management and emergency response. We partner with external agencies and internal departments to ensure comprehensive incident and emergency response in all phases of emergency operations.
- Active Shooter Response
- Bomb Threat/IED Response
- Hazmat Release/Industrial Accidents
- Power Outage/Utility Failure
- Structural/Wildfire
- Evacuation Procedures
Medical Emergency Procedures
When someone is experiencing a medical emergency that may be life-threatening (i.e. loss of consciousness, excessive bleeding, chest pain, etc.) contact the following for response:
- 911 for emergency medical services
- 911 can be contacted from any phone or by using a Yellow 911 call box on campus.
- NHTI Campus Safety Department
- Emergency line: (603) 224-3287
- Elevator phone
- Code Blue phone on campus
The Campus Safety Department is responsible for on-campus medical incidents, follow-ups and report documentation, and any needed investigation, if required, due to workplace/classroom-related accident, crime related medical need, etc.
All college employees, including contracted employees, are prohibited from transporting any person who is having a medical emergency/incident off campus for medical treatment.
Classroom/Residence Hall/ Public Area Emergencies
If there is a medical emergency in a classroom, residence hall or public area on campus the following shall occur:
- Faculty shall send other students in the class on break for the duration of the medical incident/emergency. If there an individual support person(s), they may remain to assist.
- This allows responding Campus Safety Officers/Emergency Medical Services to respond and assess the injured/ill individual without incident and maintain their privacy.
- The first person at the scene will be in charge until someone with more training arrives. The person shall care for the victim to the best of his/her ability until help arrives.
- Move any furniture, desks, tables, etc. to allow quick and unobstructed access for emergency services personnel.
- Maintenance staff, if needed, shall be called to clean/sanitize any affected areas once emergency services have cleared the scene.
- Students will then be allowed to return to class.
- Names of witnesses should be documented and provided to Campus Safety for follow up.
- All medical information shall be kept confidential in accordance with HIPAA and/or FERPA regulations.
- Resident Life staff shall keep other individuals away from the location of the medical incident for duration of the medical emergency. If there an individual support person(s), they may remain to assist.
- The first person at the scene will be in charge until someone with more training arrives. The person shall care for the victim to the best of his/her ability until help arrives.
- This allows responding Campus Safety Officers/Emergency Medical Services to respond and assess the injured/ill individual without incident and maintain their privacy.
- Move any furniture, desks, tables, etc. to allow quick and unobstructed access for emergency services personnel.
- Maintenance staff, if needed, shall be called to clean/sanitize any affected areas once emergency services have cleared the scene.
- Names of witnesses should be documented and provided to Campus Safety for follow up.
- All medical information will be kept confidential in accordance with HIPAA and/or FERPA regulations.
- If the injured/ill person can be brought to a private space this should be done so.
- If unable to move to a private space, faculty or staff present shall keep other individuals, unless there is an individual support person(s), away from the location of the medical incident for duration of the medical emergency.
- This allows responding Campus Safety Officers/Emergency Medical Services to respond and assess the injured/ill individual without incident and maintain their privacy
- Move any furniture, desks, tables, etc. to allow quick and unobstructed access for emergency services personnel.
- Maintenance staff, if needed, shall be called to clean/sanitize any affected areas once emergency services have cleared the scene.
- Names of witnesses should be documented and provided to Campus Safety for follow up.
- All medical information will be kept confidential in accordance with HIPAA and/or FERPA regulations.

Contact Us:
Campus Safety
1 Institute Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Office (M-F, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.): 603-230-4042
Emergency and After-Hours: 603-224-3287