Guidelines for Residence Hall Living
Residence Life Policies
NHTI’s residence life program provides a safe, comfortable environment where our students may live, grow, and study in a community of peers.
As a resident student, you’re responsible for what takes place in your room and consequently may live the way you choose as long as you abide by state and federal laws and NHTI’s policy and philosophy, and do not interfere with the rights of others.
As a member of the residence hall community, you have a responsibility to live with respect for the other members of the community. The residence hall staff is responsible for insuring that the rights of NHTI students and property are not abused.
By signing the residence hall contract, you agree to abide by the rules that have been or may be established by NHTI. Rules now in effect are available below, and any subsequent changes will be posted. Violation of any residence hall rule or NHTI policy may result in termination of the residence hall contract and visitation privileges to the residence halls.
Additional Guidelines
NHTI is committed to providing safe, accessible, and convenient bathroom facilities. Residents and guests should use the bathroom facilities that correspond to their sex or gender identity or use bathrooms that are designated gender-neutral or gender-inclusive. Only one person is permitted in each shower or bathroom stall at a time.
Residents are accountable for any behavior that is inconsiderate, infringes on individual or group rights, and/or jeopardizes the safety of individuals and property. All residents must abide by the regulations found on the NHTI website, individual residence hall rules and regulations, NHTI regulations found elsewhere in the Student Handbook, and state and federal laws. Violations of these rules may result in a meeting with a residence director or the director of Residence Life where appropriate action will be taken.
The Residence Life staff expects the following guidelines to be followed when resident students are checking out of their residence area:
- Resident students’ room must be cleaned before they leave. Students who leave without cleaning their room will be charged.
- Students not continuing residency at any time during the academic year should contact the director of Residence Life.
- The residence director or resident assistant (RA) for the student’s area should be contacted so that the student may sign the room inventory form. All keys must be turned in at the time of departure or a lock change fee will be levied.
- Resident students are required to vacate their rooms no later than 5 p.m. the day of their last class or exam at the end of the semester. No student may stay past the scheduled closing date.
- Any student who fails to officially check out with an RA when moving out of their room will not have the right to dispute damages.
- Any student who leaves personal belongings, including furniture, in their room will be fined and the items left will become property of NHTI.
Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their room and must maintain reasonable sanitation and safety standards. Waste materials must be properly removed to outside dumpsters regularly. Rooms must be left clean and in sanitary condition at the time the students vacate them. Students will be charged for any cleaning necessary to restore the room to proper order.
Each residence hall is equipped with recreational facilities available to resident students. Use of these facilities requires that students take an active role in preventing damage or abuse to the facilities or equipment.
- Kitchen area: Students using the kitchen area must clean the area after each use. Trash from student rooms is not to be placed in kitchen trash bins. Students are responsible for taking their trash out to the dumpsters.
- Laundry rooms: The machines are coin operated. Ironing is permitted in the laundry room on the ironing boards provided. Students are reminded to bring their own irons.
- Recreational equipment: Ping-pong, pool tables, and gaming consoles are available in each hall for student use. Students should contact a RA to sign out equipment. Resident students must use their ID card as collateral for the equipment.
- Quiet study rooms: Students wishing to use the student rooms for study purposes may do so at any time.
- Vending machines: Vending machines are located in the residence areas for convenience. Vandalism may result in the removal of these machines. If a student loses money in the vending machine, they should leave a note for the vendor; he will reimburse the student at his next visit.
- TV lounge: Each residence hall is equipped with at least one television lounge.
For a Residence Hall room lock out, first contact the Residence Life Department. If you are unable to reach a residence life staff member, contact Campus Safety at 603-224-3287.
An officer will perform an unlock request provided the following:
- You wait at your room once you have made the unlock request.
- You are the legal occupant of the room as verified on the Housing Roster.
- You can provide identification. (ID can be shown once your door is unlocked if it inside your room.)
Campus Safety officers will not provide unlock service of a room other than your own, nor will they provide access to a residence hall for non-residents.
There will be one mail delivery every day Monday through Friday. The RAs or a student worker will distribute the mail to student mail boxes. The address for receiving mail in the residence halls is:
Student’s Name Student’s Residence Hall (Strout, South or Langley Hall) 31 College Drive Concord, NH 03301-7412 |
NHTI will not accept COD mail unless arrangements for payment are made with the Business Office prior to the arrival of the package. Outgoing U.S. mail may be deposited in the USPS mail receptacle on the north side of Sweeney Hall.
Students will be notified as to the appropriate move in dates for the beginning of the academic year and after semester break and vacation periods. Notification will be in writing each semester. The dates and times are inflexible because the residence halls close and there is no staff coverage during these times. Residents may not arrive earlier or leave later than the designated times. See also Check-Out Procedures.
Large numbers of students living together often create noise and general disturbances inside and outside the residence areas. All must consider the other residents and must honor the request of any resident or staff member when asked that loud noises (radios, TVs, etc.) be turned down.
Courtesy hours should be respected 24 hours a day. Courtesy hours are designed to allow those who wish to study or sleep to do so without undue interruption. Courtesy hours are in effect whenever quiet hours are not.
Quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight to 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Quiet hours are designed to be a time when the residence hall is extremely quiet to allow for studying and sleeping. There should be no excessive noise at other times. Students who violate the quiet hours policy may face disciplinary action. Continued violations emanating from excessive volume may result in confiscation of equipment. No parties, socials, or gatherings that would be disturbing to other residents of the hall will be allowed in the residence halls during mid-semester test week or finals week.
The Residence Hall Councils act as liaisons between students and staff. Each residence hall council is responsible for planning and encouraging social and educational activities. Students are encouraged to run for office as the success of each council depends on the participation of its members.
A student wishing to change rooms must submit their request to the residence director. A room change must be approved before a student moves. NHTI reserves the right to consolidate roommates. For example, if a resident vacates a room, the remaining resident must be willing to accept another roommate or move to another room when requested by NHTI to do so. There is a room change period at the beginning of each semester.
All doors to the residence halls will be locked at all times. To ensure the safety and welfare of students and the protection of personal property, security must be maintained regarding the use of all entrances by nonresidents. Each student will be issued a room key. Residents are required to carry their keys at all times. Student who have excessive lockouts may be referred the Conduct Office for disciplinary action. Any student losing their key will be charged labor and replacement costs for its replacement.
Residents of Langley Hall will be issued a mailbox key. Loss of a mailbox key will result in a $5 replacement fee.
All residents are required to have a valid student photo ID card. The ID will permit access to the residence hall. Resident students have access to all residence halls. All students are responsible to advise Campus Safety immediately if they believe their card is lost or stolen.
Use of the side doors in all residence halls is limited to daytime use only. All residents and guests must use the main/front entrance of the building beginning at 7 p.m.-7 a.m. every day.
Smoking is not allowed in the residence halls. Smoking is restricted to the smoking gazebos located in three locations on campus or in a personal vehicle.
Sporting activities of all types are prohibited inside the residence halls. This includes but is not limited to golfing, basketball, hockey, football, soccer, and lacrosse. Because of the danger of personal injury and/or damage to property, water fights, shaving cream fights, powder fights, etc., within the residence halls are prohibited.
No objects may be dropped or thrown from windows. Residents may not go on, cross, or use rooftops. Tampering with locks and altering or duplicating NHTI keys is prohibited. Lounge furniture may not be moved from the lounge in which it is located. Removing window screens and/or sitting on window sills is prohibited. Entering or exiting a building through a window is prohibited. All residents are expected to have consideration and respect for fellow residents and the physical property of the residence halls. Residents are held accountable for any incidents that occur in their assigned rooms, whether or not they are present at the time.

Contact Us:
Residence Life
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-9315