NHTI Residence Hall Contract
Assignment to a room in a NHTI residence hall is open to any student enrolled for 9 or more credits for the academic semester. All students living in the residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan. Room rate is governed by the CCSNH Board of Trustees and is subject to change. Board rate is also subject to change.
All students are encouraged to complete and submit the housing application, contract, and deposit immediately upon being accepted to NHTI. All students who have completed the housing application and contract and have made a deposit will be considered based on the date of processing by the Bursar’s Office. Assignment to specific residence hall rooms will be made in the order in which applications and deposits for accommodations are received. Housing assignment letters are sent to the student beginning in mid-July. All students who have completed the housing form and contract and have made a deposit will be offered space during the semester as soon as space is available.
A student must be in residence no later than the first day of class unless they give prior notice of late arrival. Failure to give such notice or to remain in residence during the academic year, unless excused by NHTI, may result in the loss of space originally reserved for the student. In case of loss of space for the above reasons or
termination of contract by NHTI, the student is held responsible for the residence charge based on the refund housing policy (see Refunds).
NHTI reserves the right to assign and reassign any student during the length of their contract. Assigned rooms may not be occupied prior to the start of classes for each semester unless otherwise indicated on the academic calendar. The room charge is based on normal room occupancy; NHTI reserves the right to reassign any student without a roommate if they are unable to find a roommate of their own choosing.
Students are expected to provide their own study lamps (no halogen lamps), pillows, bedspreads, blankets, throw rugs, trash containers, and linens. A list of further acceptable items, non-permitted items, and provided furniture can be found on the NHTI website (https://www.nhti.edu/campus-life/residential-life/moving-in/ ) or by contacting the Residence Life Office.
A meal plan is issued at the beginning of each academic semester. Residence halls and the cafeteria are closed during holiday periods and as indicated on the academic calendar. Students are not allowed to live in the residence halls during these periods unless they have written permission from the Residence Life Office.
A student’s bill for the semester must be paid before a student is permitted to move into a residence hall. In the event of a credit balance on the student’s account, the reimbursement will be made directly to the student.
No student is to use or permit their room for any commercial purpose. The sale of goods or services will be permitted only upon the written approval of the VPSA. No permit will be granted to a person not registered as a student.
If belongings remain in the room after a student has vacated, NHTI reserves the right to dispose of the belongings.
NHTI assumes no responsibility for the loss of or damage to a resident’s personal property. Students are encouraged to insurance to cover loss or to extend parent’s insurance for this purpose.
NHTI reserves the right to use public areas of the residence hall for any purpose deemed necessary.
- Student Services
- IT Services
- Dining
- Online Orientation
- Residence Life
- Wellness Resources
- Accessibility Services
- Campus Safety
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Student Handbook
- Residence Hall Refunds
- Parking and Traffic Policy and Procedures
- Personal Property
- Pet and Animal Policy
- Policy of Entry into Student Rooms
- RAVE Alerts
- Renters Insurance
- Research Involving Human Subjects Policy
- Residence Hall Damages
- Residence Hall Maintenance
- Residence Hall Payments
- NHTI Residence Hall Contract
- Residence Hall Terms of Agreement
- Smoking, Tobacco, and Tobacco Alternatives Policy
- Specific Residence Life Policies
- Student Code of Conduct
- Technology and Software
- Timely Warnings
- Title IX Sexual Misconduct Resources
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy
- Use and Treatment of Residence Hall Premises
- Visitation and Guests in Residence Halls
- Firearms and Weapons Policy
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- Board
- Bulletin Boards
- CCSNH Collection Disclosure Clause
- Civil Rights/Equity (Affirmative Action)
- Communicable Disease Policy
- Disordered Eating Intervention Protocol
- Emergency Notifications
- Fines and Damages
- Fire Safety Policy
- Active Shooter Situations
- Fireworks Policy
- Gambling Policy
- Hazing Policy
- Inclement Weather
- Liability Policy
- Locker Policy
- Missing Student Policy
- Motto and Emblem
- New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
- Commencement
- Important Forms
- Career Resources
- Student Life
- Leadership Opportunities

Contact Us:
Student Affairs
Fax: 603-230-9315