Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
This policy is intended to provide the NHTI community with information about alcohol and other drugs, and is distributed as part of the college’s compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (PL101226) and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
I. All NHTI students and guests are expected to comply with all NHTI policies including the NHTI Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
II. This policy applies to all NHTI-sponsored events (social, cultural, athletic, and academic, etc.), whether on or off campus, including overnight trips.
III. The following policy pertains to alcohol consumption at NHTI:
- Alcoholic beverages may be consumed by students of legal drinking age who are living in the residence halls, at off-campus NHTI-sponsored events or activities, or at on-campus events or activities as designated by presidential waiver.
- For health, sanitation, and security reasons, residence hall students of legal drinking age can only consume beer, wine, malted beverages up to 15% alcohol, and other non-“hard liquor” beverages in their assigned
residence hall room with the door closed.
- For health, sanitation, and security reasons, residence hall students of legal drinking age can only consume beer, wine, malted beverages up to 15% alcohol, and other non-“hard liquor” beverages in their assigned
- The following behaviors pertaining to alcohol consumption are prohibited at NHTI:
- Purchasing, possessing, consuming, transporting, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages under 21 years of age
- Serving, distributing, furnishing, or otherwise providing alcohol to individuals under 21 years of age
- Possessing, consuming or manufacturing alcoholic beverages in areas on campus other than where expressly permitted by college policy, including in the room of an underage student, in the public or similar common areas of residence halls and other college buildings, and outdoors on campus
- Any level of intoxication that represents a danger to personal health or safety
- Possession of excessive amounts of alcohol. “Excessive” is defined as amounts more than 72 ounces of beer or wine per resident of the room that is of legal drinking age. Hard liquor is not permitted.
- Serving or consuming alcohol from common-source containers (e.g. kegs, barrels, pails, punch bowls), except when expressly authorized by the College.
- Hosting, facilitating, or otherwise participating in drinking games
- Using devices or engaging in physical activities/actions designed for the rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g. funnels, beer bongs)
- Improper disposal of alcohol containers
- Displaying full or empty alcohol containers in a residence hall room.
- Students who know or should know that they are in the presence of an alcohol or other drug violation may also be found in violation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
- NHTI shall not be responsible for treatment or medical expenses for any student or guest who is discovered to be in need of medical attention and/or transported to the hospital via ambulance.
- No NHTI Student Organization funds are to be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
- Alcohol, alcohol containers, etc. that are in violation of this policy may be confiscated and disposed of by an appropriate authority of NHTI, to include but not limited to Campus Safety, residence directors, residence assistants, and coaches.
IV: The following has been established pertaining to drug use/misuse at NHTI.
- Illegal drugs as defined by state or federal laws are prohibited on campus and at any NHTI-sponsored off-campus activity.
- Any student having illegal drugs or paraphernalia in their possession may be referred to civil authorities and face sanctioning pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Process.
- The following behaviors pertaining to drug use/misuse are prohibited at NHTI:
- Illicit drug use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution is prohibited on campus and at any NHTI-sponsored off-campus activity. Illicit drug use is defined as the use or abuse of illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription medications, synthetic drugs, and household or other mind-altering substances.
- Misuse of, alterations to, or the redistribution of medications and substances that have been prescribed by a licensed prescriber. Medications and substances that have been prescribed by a licensed prescriber may be used only as prescribed.
- Marijuana, regardless of whether it is legally possessed for therapeutic use, is prohibited and may not be used on NHTI property.
- Over-the-counter medication may be used in the manner intended by the manufacturer. Using prescribed and/or over-the-counter medications for any purpose other than those intended by the prescriber or
manufacturer is prohibited. - Possession of drug paraphernalia including but not limited to, bongs, hookahs, and bowls is prohibited.
- Confiscated drugs and paraphernalia will be turned over to Campus Safety for proper disposal following protocols established by NHTI.
V. Staff, faculty, coaches, and resident assistants are not permitted to transport students in need of medical attention or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs to off-campus medical treatment facilities. Campus Safety or 911 should be called immediately for assistance.
VI. Students shall not transport students who are experiencing a medical condition related to alcohol or other drugs because of the serious nature of these types of incidents that require the attention of a medical professional. NHTI will not be held liable if a student transports another student experiencing a medical emergency.
VII. NHTI employees should refer to CCSNH Policies Section 300 – Human Resources – Drug Free Workplace Policy# CCS 382.1 for information related to alcohol and drugs use.
VIII. Presidential Approval for Alcohol Distribution and Sales
- The college president may approve alcoholic beverages for appropriate functions on campus. The rules and regulations to be followed are:
- Alcoholic beverages will be permitted in segregated areas that provide for controlled checking of driver’s licenses or other approved identification card. Such areas will be available only to individuals of legal
drinking age, and alcoholic beverages will be consumed only in these areas. - The sale or raffle of alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the president in accordance with New Hampshire state law.
- Alcoholic beverages will be permitted in segregated areas that provide for controlled checking of driver’s licenses or other approved identification card. Such areas will be available only to individuals of legal
IX. Alcohol and Other Drug Sanctions
- Fines: The following fine structure applies to all NHTI students.
- First Violation – $50
- Second Violation – $100
- Third Violation – $200
- Failure to pay the fine will result in the student being placed on College Probation. If the fine is not paid, the student will be removed from the residence halls, banned from all residence halls, and placed on the persona non grata list until the fine is paid in full. Fines are subject to change.
- General Sanctions
- The student will meet with/contact the appropriate staff member as indicated on the Incident Report Form.
- A Letter of Notice may be sent to the parent/guardian of students who are under the age of 21 indicating the student has violated college policy.
- Substance Abuse Education: The student will be required to participate in education sessions provided through the NHTI Substance Abuse Education Program.
- First violation: Minimum 1 educational session, unless more are recommended by a college official
- Second violation: Minimum 2 educational sessions
- Third violation: Minimum 4 educational sessions
- Failure to participate in sessions will result in removal from the residence halls, placement on the persona non grata list, and being placed on College Probation until this requirement is fulfilled.
- At the discretion of college officials, students may be required to fulfill additional alcohol/drug education, restorative justice programming and/or seek further evaluation by a community-based professional which will be at the student’s expense. If such evaluation is required, students will also be required to provide the NHTI Counseling Office with a signed release of information to facilitate verification that this requirement is fulfilled.
- Residence Hall Students
- Third violation: Residence hall students will be removed from the residence halls and placed on the persona non grata list. If the third violation occurs on or before the posted mid-semester warning due date, the
student will be removed from the residence halls and placed on the persona non grata list until the end of the current semester. If the third violation occurs after the posted mid-semester warning due date, the student will be removed from the residence halls until the end of the following semester. In either case, the student may apply for consideration for readmission to housing for the semester following the end of this sanction. The summer semester is excluded from the process of consideration for readmission. - Fourth violation: If the fourth violation occurs on or before the posted mid-semester warning due date, the student will be removed from NHTI until the end of the current semester. If the fourth violation occurs after the posted mid-semester warning due date, the student will be removed from NHTI until the end of the following semester.
- In either case, the student may apply for consideration for readmission to the NHTI for the semester following the end of this sanction. The summer semester is excluded from the process for consideration for readmission.
- Third violation: Residence hall students will be removed from the residence halls and placed on the persona non grata list. If the third violation occurs on or before the posted mid-semester warning due date, the
- Non-NHTI Individuals: Individuals not enrolled at NHTI who are found to be in violation of the college’s policy will be banned from campus and placed on the persona non grata list . N.H. State Police may be contacted if the ban is
X. Medical Amnesty: NHTI encourages its students to seek and/or call for assistance for themselves or others when someone is in need of medical assistance due to alcohol and/or drug use. Amnesty is available to the student calling/assisting as well as the student needing assistance. A call for assistance should be made promptly; the health, safety and well-being of the student who is potentially in danger is paramount. A call for assistance may be directed to NHTI Campus Safety, Residence Life staff (residence director or residence assistant), or a local police officer/agency by calling 911.
Students involved in an incident in which a call for assistance was made will not be subject to official sanctions and conduct record under the Student Conduct process; however, they may still need to meet with a member of the Student Affairs staff and NHTI Health Services and Counseling.
- Important Information Regarding Amnesty
- This policy applies only to those students seeking emergency medical assistance in connection with an alcohol- or drug-related medical emergency and does not apply to individuals experiencing an alcohol- or drug-related medical emergency who are found by college employees (e.g. Campus Safety, faculty, administrative staff, residence hall staff including RAs).
- If a student is repeatedly the subject of calls for assistance, there may be additional consequences as a result of the college’s increased concern for that student, including additional counseling sessions, educational
follow-up with college administrators and/or a full behavioral assessment that may lead to a mandated leave of absence. - Failure to complete appointments or follow-up as prescribed could result in the revocation of amnesty for the student and possible sanctions.
- Medical amnesty is a NHTI policy and does not prevent the filing of criminal charges by external law enforcement.
- Medical amnesty may not apply to a student who refuses to cooperate with medical, law enforcement, or college personnel at the time of initial contact.
- Students may be held responsible for additional violations to the Student Code of Conduct beyond an alcohol or drug violation.
- At the discretion of college officials, students may be required to fulfill alcohol/drug education, restorative justice programming, and/or seek further evaluation by a community-based professional that will be at the student’s expense. If such evaluation is required, students will also be required to provide the NHTI Counseling Office with a signed release to facilitate verification that this requirement is fulfilled.
- Student Services
- IT Services
- Dining
- Online Orientation
- Residence Life
- Wellness Resources
- Accessibility Services
- Campus Safety
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Student Handbook
- Residence Hall Refunds
- Parking and Traffic Policy and Procedures
- Personal Property
- Pet and Animal Policy
- Policy of Entry into Student Rooms
- RAVE Alerts
- Renters Insurance
- Research Involving Human Subjects Policy
- Residence Hall Damages
- Residence Hall Maintenance
- Residence Hall Payments
- NHTI Residence Hall Contract
- Residence Hall Terms of Agreement
- Smoking, Tobacco, and Tobacco Alternatives Policy
- Specific Residence Life Policies
- Student Code of Conduct
- Technology and Software
- Timely Warnings
- Title IX Sexual Misconduct Resources
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy
- Use and Treatment of Residence Hall Premises
- Visitation and Guests in Residence Halls
- Firearms and Weapons Policy
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- Board
- Bulletin Boards
- CCSNH Collection Disclosure Clause
- Civil Rights/Equity (Affirmative Action)
- Communicable Disease Policy
- Disordered Eating Intervention Protocol
- Emergency Notifications
- Fines and Damages
- Fire Safety Policy
- Active Shooter Situations
- Fireworks Policy
- Gambling Policy
- Hazing Policy
- Inclement Weather
- Liability Policy
- Locker Policy
- Missing Student Policy
- Motto and Emblem
- New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
- Commencement
- Important Forms
- Career Resources
- Student Life
- Leadership Opportunities

Contact Us:
Student Affairs
Fax: 603-230-9315