Civil Rights/Equity (Affirmative Action)
Civil Rights/Equity Grievance Procedures
NHTI is sensitive to the threat and/or embarrassment an individual may experience in coming forward with a complaint regarding discrimination. The grievance reporting procedures outlined below are designed to provide a safe, confidential, and supportive environment in which an individual may discuss his/her concerns.
Complaints of discrimination or of retaliation for making such complaints may be reported directly to NHTI’s Title IX and Equity coordinator. Complaints may also be reported to any member of NHTI’s faculty, staff, or administration, who will then refer the complaint(s) to the Title IX and Equity coordinator. Each reported complaint will be followed up by the Title IX and Equity coordinator.
Any NHTI student or employee who has observed or is aware of discriminatory behavior or retaliation for reporting discriminatory behavior should report such discrimination to the Title IX and Equity coordinator or other NHTI representative.
No one shall be required to file a complaint with an individual who is hostile to him/her and/or who engages in or has been alleged to have engaged in conduct which could be considered discriminatory.
Initial Reporting
The individual with the complaint is encouraged to speak with NHTI’s Title IX and Equity coordinator. This conversation will be confidential and considered an informal review of the incident. An attempt to resolve the alleged complaint within ten (10) working days will be initiated by the coordinator. If a resolution cannot be reached through these informal means, a formal investigation will be initiated. Every attempt will be made to maintain the anonymity of the individuals involved.
Formal Investigations
Formal grievance reporting procedures must be initiated within one year of the alleged violation. Investigations shall be conducted with particular care to preserve the privacy of all persons involved. Only those who have an immediate need to know (including, but not necessarily limited to, the investigator(s), the complainant(s), the respondent(s), and NHTI president) shall be provided with the identity of the complainant, the respondent, and the allegations.
All involved persons shall be afforded the opportunity to submit information relevant to a complaint. All parties contacted in the course of an investigation shall be advised of the necessity of keeping information private and that any breach of privacy shall be treated as misconduct subject to disciplinary action.
The investigation will be conducted within 30 calendar days of receipt of a written complaint. If additional time is required to ensure a thorough investigation, this time may be extended.
Upon completion of the investigation, a written report will be submitted to the President, and will be disclosed to the complainant and respondent. If the investigators have determined that the complaint was proven valid by a preponderance of the evidence, the investigators’ report to NHTI president shall be accompanied by a recommendation for corrective and/or disciplinary action determined according to the totality of the circumstances uncovered during the investigation. In making a recommendation for corrective and/or disciplinary action, the investigators may consider (but not limit themselves to) the following factors:
- Severity of the offense
- The frequency and duration of the prohibited conduct
- The extent to which the misconduct, however minor, serves to create an intimidating campus environment for the complainant, or otherwise increases the difficulties of education or job performance for the complainant
The NHTI president will take the report and its recommendations under advisement, and make a decision regarding corrective and/or disciplinary action. The time between submission of the report to the president and commencement of corrective and/or disciplinary action shall be no longer than 21 calendar days. The NHTI president will provide the Title IX and Equity coordinator with written documentation of the decision regarding corrective and/or disciplinary action at the time of or prior to the commencement of disciplinary action. Both the complainant and the respondent will be informed of the president’s decision.
Appeals of the president’s decision may be made by students according to the procedures outlined in the CCSNH policy manual, which is available in the Office of Student Affairs, the Library, and in various offices on campus. Faculty, staff, and administrators may appeal according to procedures outlined in the State of New Hampshire Division of Personnel Rules.
Retaliation Prohibited
Retaliation of any kind against anyone making an allegation of discrimination, against anyone involved in the investigation, or against anyone involved in the decision regarding corrective and/or disciplinary action is prohibited, and shall result in disciplinary action against the retaliator.
Questions regarding this Grievance Procedure or the State and Federal anti-discrimination legislation listed above should be addressed to any of the following:
Title IX Coordinator
NHTI – Concord’s Community College
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301-7412
Phone: 230-4040
Fax: 603-230-9312
Community College System of New Hampshire
26 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-230-3503
New Hampshire Commission on Human Rights
2 Chenell Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-2767
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
JFK Federal Building
475 Government Center, Boston, MA, 02203
Phone: 617-565-3200 or 1-800-669-4000
FAX: 617-565-3196
TTY: 617-565-3204 or 1-800-669-6820
- Student Services
- IT Services
- Dining
- Online Orientation
- Residence Life
- Wellness Resources
- Accessibility Services
- Campus Safety
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Student Handbook
- Residence Hall Refunds
- Parking and Traffic Policy and Procedures
- Personal Property
- Pet and Animal Policy
- Policy of Entry into Student Rooms
- RAVE Alerts
- Renters Insurance
- Research Involving Human Subjects Policy
- Residence Hall Damages
- Residence Hall Maintenance
- Residence Hall Payments
- NHTI Residence Hall Contract
- Residence Hall Terms of Agreement
- Smoking, Tobacco, and Tobacco Alternatives Policy
- Specific Residence Life Policies
- Student Code of Conduct
- Technology and Software
- Timely Warnings
- Title IX Sexual Misconduct Resources
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy
- Use and Treatment of Residence Hall Premises
- Visitation and Guests in Residence Halls
- Firearms and Weapons Policy
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- Board
- Bulletin Boards
- CCSNH Collection Disclosure Clause
- Civil Rights/Equity (Affirmative Action)
- Communicable Disease Policy
- Disordered Eating Intervention Protocol
- Emergency Notifications
- Fines and Damages
- Fire Safety Policy
- Active Shooter Situations
- Fireworks Policy
- Gambling Policy
- Hazing Policy
- Inclement Weather
- Liability Policy
- Locker Policy
- Missing Student Policy
- Motto and Emblem
- New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
- Commencement
- Important Forms
- Career Resources
- Student Life
- Leadership Opportunities

Contact Us:
Student Affairs
Fax: 603-230-9315