Hazing Policy
Purpose and Scope
NHTI as an institution within the CCSNH and in accordance with CCSNH Policy 730.01 hereby recognizes the dangers inherent in student hazing, condemns the practice, and places students and staff on notice that hazing must be treated as a criminal offense as per the state of New Hampshire Criminal Code Revised Statutes Annotated Section 631:7 – Student Hazing and reported to the police. It will subject those who participate in it to college disciplinary procedures.
For the purpose of this policy, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them: Hazing means any act directed toward any full-time or part-time student or any coercion or intimidation of a student to act, participate in, or submit to any act that is likely or would be reasonably perceived as likely to cause physical or psychological injury to any person and is a condition of initiation, admission, or continued membership in the college or any fraternity, sorority, student organization, or other college or college-affiliated or sanctioned organization therein.
Prohibitions and Obligations
- Hazing is a Class B misdemeanor in the state of New Hampshire Criminal Code (NH RSA 631:7) for any person who knowingly participates, any student who knowingly submits, and any person who has direct knowledge of it and fails to report it to the school authorities and the police.
- Hazing is a Class B misdemeanor for the college or any fraternity, sorority, student organization, or other college-affiliated organization to knowingly or negligently fail to take reasonable measures within the scope of its authority to prevent it, or fail to report it to the police. Express or implied consent of the victim is not a defense to the crime of hazing.
- No college student, official, or employee shall participate in hazing.
- No college student, official, or employee shall knowingly submit to hazing without reporting as soon as is practicable to the police and the VPSA and/or Campus Safety.
- Any college student, official, or employee having direct knowledge of hazing occurring in connection with the college or any college-affiliated organization shall report it to the VPSA, Campus Safety, or the police.
- Any college official or employee present at the scene of any hazing shall take all reasonable steps within the scope of their authority, and any college student, official, or employee present at the scene of any hazing shall report it to the VPSA, Campus Safety, and the police without delay.
- Anyone in the college community who has knowledge or reasonably suspects that an act of hazing will occur shall forthwith report it to the college authorities or the police.
- Copies of this policy shall be made a part of the official student handbook and the college personnel policies, and posted conspicuously on college bulletin boards at various locations on campus.
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Student Affairs
Fax: 603-230-9315