Residence Hall Terms of Agreement
This agreement is for a period of (a) one academic year, both Fall and Spring semesters; or (b) only the Spring semester. Housing accommodations are not provided during NHTI vacation periods. Except with permission of the director of Residence Life, all housing services, including access to the room, begin on the designated residence hall opening day and end by 5 p.m. after a student’s last final exam or cancellation of the agreement. Graduation, official withdrawal from NHTI, academic dismissal, suspension from NHTI, or mutual consent of the parties constitute the only basis for release from this agreement. There are no refunds for dismissal or suspension from housing due to student conduct violations. If a housing renewal is not extended to a returning student or if a returning student is excluded from the second semester of the academic year, the result will be a cancellation of the agreement and charges assessed based on the refund schedule. Students residing at NHTI and enrolled at another college or university are subject to the same terms of agreement, payment, termination, and refund schedule as NHTI students.
For compliance purposes, the CCSNH and its colleges collect names and social security numbers from all students attending the college. The college’s use of social security numbers will be limited to legitimate educational purposes. The college will exercise due diligence to protect the student’s social security number and will not disclose it to anyone outside the college except as authorized by federal or state laws or applicable policies.
- Student Services
- IT Services
- Dining
- Online Orientation
- Residence Life
- Wellness Resources
- Accessibility Services
- Campus Safety
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Student Handbook
- Residence Hall Refunds
- Parking and Traffic Policy and Procedures
- Personal Property
- Pet and Animal Policy
- Policy of Entry into Student Rooms
- RAVE Alerts
- Renters Insurance
- Research Involving Human Subjects Policy
- Residence Hall Damages
- Residence Hall Maintenance
- Residence Hall Payments
- NHTI Residence Hall Contract
- Residence Hall Terms of Agreement
- Smoking, Tobacco, and Tobacco Alternatives Policy
- Specific Residence Life Policies
- Student Code of Conduct
- Technology and Software
- Timely Warnings
- Title IX Sexual Misconduct Resources
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy
- Use and Treatment of Residence Hall Premises
- Visitation and Guests in Residence Halls
- Firearms and Weapons Policy
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- Board
- Bulletin Boards
- CCSNH Collection Disclosure Clause
- Civil Rights/Equity (Affirmative Action)
- Communicable Disease Policy
- Disordered Eating Intervention Protocol
- Emergency Notifications
- Fines and Damages
- Fire Safety Policy
- Active Shooter Situations
- Fireworks Policy
- Gambling Policy
- Hazing Policy
- Inclement Weather
- Liability Policy
- Locker Policy
- Missing Student Policy
- Motto and Emblem
- New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council
- Commencement
- Important Forms
- Career Resources
- Student Life
- Leadership Opportunities

Contact Us:
Student Affairs
Fax: 603-230-9315