Academic Excellence
Students wishing to broaden their learning experiences may participate in academic research by using the independent study option. This format allows students to study a topic in greater depth or a topic not currently offered at NHTI. Please refer to the Independent Study Policy. Financial aid does not cover credits earned via academic research or independent study.
Dean’s List/Scholastic Honors
A Dean’s List is published at the end of each semester. It includes the names of all matriculated, full-time students whose GPA for that semester is 3.3 or higher (while enrolled in 12 credits). Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher graduate with high honors, and those who achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.3-3.69 graduate with honors. Cumulative GPA is calculated using all courses completed at NHTI.
Honors Courses
Honors courses offer academically strong, highly motivated students the opportunity to learn in smaller classes with a stimulating, creative environment that promotes active engagement with subject matter. They allow for a rigorous and individualized approach to learning. Each course that offers an honors section is identified in the Course Description section of the Course Catalog. Student qualification for honors courses is based on criteria that may include prerequisite grades, NHTI assessment test scores, and/or scores on standardized tests.
Students who successfully complete honors courses receive an honors designation on their transcript, which may strengthen transfer to other colleges or candidacy for competitive programs at NHTI, such as Nursing, Dental, and Radiologic Technology. If a student registers themselves on SIS, they should ensure the class carries the honors designation. Check the schedule of course offerings on SIS, as not all courses are offered every semester.
Phi Theta Kappa – International Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the largest international honor society in American higher education with 2 million+ members and 1,200+ chapters internationally. NHTI’s Alpha Upsilon Omicron Chapter of PTK provides opportunities for scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship for PTK students at NHTI while offering an intellectual climate for continued academic excellence. To be eligible for membership consideration, a student must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of associate degree coursework and earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Eligible students are invited to join PTK each semester, and induction ceremonies are held each Fall and Spring semester. Once inducted, students must maintain a high academic standing of 3.0 cumulative GPA throughout their enrollment; this allows them to retain a lifetime membership in PTK.
Vice President’s Award for Academic Excellence
The Vice President’s Award for Academic Excellence is presented each year at the Spring Awards Ceremony to the student(s) achieving the highest overall cumulative GPA in the graduating class. The following criteria apply:
- A minimum of 48 credit hours must be used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.
- All students are eligible for the award, including those who have exercised Academic Amnesty, changed
programs, or have previously graduated from an NHTI program.- For the purposes of this award, students who have previously graduated from an NHTI program will have their GPA calculated using courses taken in the new program and any prior courses that may be applicable to the new program.
- Students who have exercised the Academic Amnesty option will have their GPA based only on courses taken after the option has been exercised. No previous courses will be used.
- Students who have changed majors will have their GPA calculated on the basis of all courses taken at NHTI and not just those in the new program.
- Academics
- Academic and Workforce Education
- Transfer Opportunities
- Academic Advising
- Academic Department Chairs
- Academic Policies
- Enrollment Status
- Office of Online Learning
- Manufacturing Technology Education Center
- Learning Communities
- GPA Calculator
- General Education Requirements
- Under-Enrolled Day Classes
- Program Residency Requirements
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Process to Address a Classroom Concern
- Prerequisite and Corequisite Courses
- Medical Leave
- Inactive Status
- Independent Study
- Graduation
- Grading System
- Academic Amnesty
- Dropping Classes/Withdrawing
- Directed Study
- Course Substitution/Waiver
- Course Repeat
- Clinical/Practicum/Internship
- Classroom Recording Policy
- Classroom Etiquette
- Change of Program/Dual Major
- Audits
- Adding a Class
- Attendance
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Standards
- Academic Credits
- Academic Center for Excellence
- NHTI Navigate
- Registrar