Registration for any course presupposes the student will participate in all scheduled activities. In addition to academic issues relative to attendance, veterans and students receiving financial aid from some sources are expected to be in regular attendance as a condition of receiving such aid. While occasional circumstances over which the student has no control may necessitate absence, the content presented in the activities missed by the student is a segment of information being taught.
For any course offered in any format, there is a limit to the amount of time and content a student can miss without compromising the integrity of the learning experience and the credit award. If illness, accident, emergency, or an NHTI sponsored activity prevents a student from meeting attendance obligations, it is the responsibility of the student to inform faculty in a timely manner to discuss either the requirements for continued enrollment in the course or the options for course withdrawal.
Instructors may include an assessment of attendance behaviors into their overall grading structure for the course. Such assessment strategies are published in the course syllabus distributed at the start of the course. A faculty member may issue a grade of AF at any point in the semester at which they feel a student’s absence record precludes the reasonable possibility of meeting course objectives based on published attendance expectations.
Any student who has been suspended or dropped from a course for failure to meet published course attendance requirements may appeal following the procedures outlined in the Grade Appeal/Grade Change Policy.
- Academics
- Academic and Workforce Education
- Transfer Opportunities
- Academic Advising
- Academic Department Chairs
- Academic Policies
- Enrollment Status
- Office of Online Learning
- Manufacturing Technology Education Center
- Learning Communities
- GPA Calculator
- General Education Requirements
- Under-Enrolled Day Classes
- Program Residency Requirements
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Process to Address a Classroom Concern
- Prerequisite and Corequisite Courses
- Medical Leave
- Inactive Status
- Independent Study
- Graduation
- Grading System
- Academic Amnesty
- Dropping Classes/Withdrawing
- Directed Study
- Course Substitution/Waiver
- Course Repeat
- Clinical/Practicum/Internship
- Classroom Recording Policy
- Classroom Etiquette
- Change of Program/Dual Major
- Audits
- Adding a Class
- Attendance
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Standards
- Academic Credits
- Academic Center for Excellence
- NHTI Navigate
- Registrar