Dropping Classes/Withdrawing
We understand that students may face adverse consequences such as loss of financial aid eligibility, loss of athletic eligibility, loss of residence life eligibility, loss of VA Education Benefits, or inability to meet program completion expectations. Students should consult with their academic advisor before making any moves to drop a course.
- Students who drop a full-semester class by the end of the fourteenth calendar day of the semester will receive a 100% refund of tuition, less non-refundable fees.
- Students can drop an 8-week course within 7 days from the start of the alternative semester for a full refund.
- To drop a course that is 2 weeks or fewer in length, students must drop it by the end of the first day of the class to receive a refund.
- If the last day to drop with a refund falls on a weekend or holiday, the drop refund date is the first business day following the weekend or holiday.
Students are urged not to just stop attending a course and should contact the Registrar’s Office or Academic Advising Center or drop a class online via SIS (during open registration periods). Students must notify the Registrar’s Office or the Academic Advising Center before the above date to receive a refund.
Dropping Classes after the Refund Period
If a student decides to drop a class after the refund period, the Registrar’s Office is the only official authority that can accept the withdrawal notification. Officially dropping a course prior to the completion of 60% of the scheduled duration of the course will result in a grade of W (withdrawn) on the student’s transcript, with no effect on their cumulative GPA. A withdrawal after the 60% completion mark requires the instructor to issue a grade of WP (withdraw passing) or WF (withdraw failing) on the drop form. A grade of WP will not affect cumulative GPA; a WF will be calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA.
If the student stops going to class without providing official notification, the default withdrawal date for financial aid purposes will be the midpoint of the semester. Those students who stop attending class may be dropped by their instructor with an AF grade, or they will receive an AF from the instructor at the end of the semester. The AF will affect the student’s cumulative GPA and financial aid.
Withdrawing from NHTI
- Do courses seem overwhelming? Our Academic Center for Excellence offers free tutoring to all NHTI students.
- Are finances problematic? Contact our Financial Aid office for help and advice, and apply for scholarships and grants to help offset costs.
- Need to speed things up? Consider our 8-week online programs.
- Need to slow things down? Students can take only a few courses rather than a full workload. Academic Advising can help answer questions and help devise individual solutions.
- Does it feel like college just isn’t the right path? It’s our Academic Advising Center’s job to help students figure out what they really want.
If the student is certain they want to withdraw from NHTI, the Registrar’s Office is the official authority to accept their withdrawal notification. Students must submit a signed Withdrawal Form to the Registrar’s Office to show their intent to withdraw. Students can also withdraw by phone, fax, or mail; the Registrar’s Office will fill out the appropriate form and date stamp it with the submission method.
If a student’s withdrawal occurs at the 60% or later period, the student will be subject to the same academic assessments and actions as students completing the semester. If they are in good standing, they may apply for readmission by submitting a new application, with an explanatory letter, to the NHTI Admissions Office.
Credit/Waiver Appeal Policy
For extenuating circumstances, students may submit a request for a credit or waiver appeal. Tuition credit(s) or waiver appeals are granted only in cases of rare and extreme circumstances including medical, death in immediate family, military activation, academic advisement, or a catastrophic life event. Requests should be made only by the student, not parents or other parties. Requests must be submitted to the Department of Academic and Workforce Education at NHTIAcademicAffairs@ccsnh.edu and received by the end of the semester for which the student is submitting an appeal for. Requests will be reviewed by the Credit/Waiver Committee.
- Academics
- Academic and Workforce Education
- Transfer Opportunities
- Academic Advising
- Academic Department Chairs
- Academic Policies
- Enrollment Status
- Office of Online Learning
- Manufacturing Technology Education Center
- Learning Communities
- GPA Calculator
- General Education Requirements
- Under-Enrolled Day Classes
- Program Residency Requirements
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Process to Address a Classroom Concern
- Prerequisite and Corequisite Courses
- Medical Leave
- Inactive Status
- Independent Study
- Graduation
- Grading System
- Academic Amnesty
- Dropping Classes/Withdrawing
- Directed Study
- Course Substitution/Waiver
- Course Repeat
- Clinical/Practicum/Internship
- Classroom Recording Policy
- Classroom Etiquette
- Change of Program/Dual Major
- Audits
- Adding a Class
- Attendance
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Standards
- Academic Credits
- Academic Center for Excellence
- NHTI Navigate
- Registrar

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