Process to Address a Classroom Concern
NHTI is committed to creating and maintaining a positive and productive learning environment for all students. Students who have concerns about any aspect of the classroom experience should first discuss the concern with the course instructor. Discussions may be held in person, via telephone, or through the CCSNH email system. In the event that discussion with the course instructor does not resolve the issue, the concern should then be brought to the appropriate department chair. Only after a student has been unable to resolve the issue through discussion with their course instructor and department chair should a student bring concerns to the VPAWE.
Where the concern about the classroom experience involves discrimination on the basis of unlawful criteria including race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, gender identify or expression, genetic information, or veteran status, as defined under applicable law, the student should also report the conduct to the college’s Title IX and Equity coordinator and follow the process set for in Student Affairs Policy 730.06. Where the concern involves a grade appeal, the student must follow the process and timeline outlined in the Academic Affairs policy.
- Academics
- Academic and Workforce Education
- Transfer Opportunities
- Academic Advising
- Academic Department Chairs
- Academic Policies
- Enrollment Status
- Office of Online Learning
- Manufacturing Technology Education Center
- Learning Communities
- GPA Calculator
- General Education Requirements
- Under-Enrolled Day Classes
- Program Residency Requirements
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Process to Address a Classroom Concern
- Prerequisite and Corequisite Courses
- Medical Leave
- Inactive Status
- Independent Study
- Graduation
- Grading System
- Academic Amnesty
- Dropping Classes/Withdrawing
- Directed Study
- Course Substitution/Waiver
- Course Repeat
- Clinical/Practicum/Internship
- Classroom Recording Policy
- Classroom Etiquette
- Change of Program/Dual Major
- Audits
- Adding a Class
- Attendance
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Standards
- Academic Credits
- Academic Center for Excellence
- NHTI Navigate
- Registrar