Grading System
NHTI has implemented a letter grade system in which each grade reflects a level of achievement measured against specific course objectives.
Grade | Points | Definition |
A A- | 4.0 3.7 | An honor grade representing achievement of a level of understanding and ability that is excellent and distinctive |
B+ B B- | 3.3 3.0 2.7 | Represents achievement of a level of understanding and ability of consistently high quality |
C+ C C- | 2.3 2.0 1.7 | Represents achievement of a level of understanding and ability consistent with those levels required for successful entry into the student’s chosen career field |
D+ D D- | 1.3 1.0 0.7 | Represents some evidence of achievement but substantially below the level required for successful entry into the student’s chosen career field |
F | 0.0 | Represents negligible academic achievement. A student who receives an “F” grade in a course that’s a prerequisite to other courses must repeat the failed course with a passing grade before being eligible to continue with the course sequence. |
P | Pass (not calculated into GPA ) | |
E | Pass grade issued for Credit by Exams (not calculated into GPA) | |
PP | Provisional pass; warning (not calculated into GPA) | |
NP | No pass; unsatisfactory (not calculated into GPA) | |
I | Incomplete grade. Indicates the student has not completed a major course assignment due to extraordinary circumstances. It is not used to give an extension for a student delinquent in meeting course responsibilities. Not calculated into the GPA. All work must be completed by the end of the third week of the subsequent semester or the grade defaults to an F. | |
AF | Instructor or administrator-initiated withdrawal at any time for reasons other than poor grade performance; e.g., failure to meet attendance requirements, violation of the Student Code of Conduct, disruptive behavior, etc. May be issued if a student registered in a clinic, practicum, internship or lab is deemed unsafe or performing in an unsatisfactory manner as determined by an evaluation in accordance with department criteria and procedure. Calculated in GPA as an “F.” | |
W | Student-initiated withdrawal from a course at any time prior to drop deadline (60%). Does not affect GPA. Can be initiated by the instructor if the student is unable to initiate the process (e.g., catastrophic illness or injury, job transfer). | |
WP | Student-initiated withdrawal from a course after the drop deadline (60%); student has a passing grade at time of drop, as determined by the instructor. Does not affect GPA. Can be initiated by the instructor if the student, because of extenuating circumstances, is unable to initiate the process (e.g., catastrophic illness or injury, job transfer). | |
WF | Student-initiated withdrawal from a course after the drop deadline (60%); student has a failing grade at time of drop, as determined by the instructor. Calculates in GPA as an “F.” | |
AU | A course taken as an audit, does not earn credit and cannot be used to meet graduation requirements. Admission by permission of the instructor. Not all courses can be taken for audit. |
Grade Appeal/Grade Change
Any appeal of a grade must be initiated by the student with the instructor before the next semester is done. Students should be advised that in most instances a grade may be changed only by the instructor. The VPAWE, the only other individual on campus empowered to change a student’s grade, may alter a student’s grade only in a case of obvious computational error or blatant abuse of the grading prerogative.1 Students who believe they have valid ground for a grade appeal should use the following process to resolve the issue:
- Contact the faculty member and schedule a meeting to discuss the grade appeal and attempt to resolve the conflict. The faculty member and student will meet within the next 5 work days.
- If the issue is not resolved, the student has 3 work days from the date of the faculty member’s decision to file a written appeal with the faculty member’s program or department chair, or with the VPAWE if the faculty member is the department chair.2 Within 3 work days, the department chair or VPAWE will mediate the dispute either through discussion with the instructor, or with the student in the company of the faculty member.
- If the issue is still not resolved, the student will file a written appeal with the VPAWE within 3 work days. The letter of appeal must include the student’s name and contact information, the course name and number, the semester in which the course was taken, the student’s grade, the name of the instructor issuing the grade, and evidence of obvious computational error and/or blatant abuse of the grading prerogative. The VPAWE (or designee) will have 10 work days from receipt of the written appeal to render a decision. The decision of the VPAWE (or designee) is final.
Grade Point Average
The GPA is indicative of the overall quality of a student’s performance. It is used by academic institutions and prospective employers as a means of describing academic achievement. Three factors are used in computing the GPA: credit hours, point value, and letter grade earned. Letters have point values; if a student is enrolled in 5 courses carrying 4, 4, 6, 3, and 5 credits and earns grades of B+, C-, A, D, and C respectively, their GPA for the semester is calculated in the following manner: Multiplying the number of credits times the point value, then dividing the sum of the grade points (57.0 in the example) by the sum of the credits (22). Their GPA is 2.59. The cumulative GPA for all semesters in which the student has been enrolled at NHTI may be calculated in the same manner by using total credits and total grade points.
Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete grade indicates a student has not completed a major course assignment because of extraordinary circumstances. The grade is applied only in those instances where the student has a reasonable chance of passing; it is not used to give an extension of time for a student delinquent in meeting course responsibilities. The work must be completed by the student through formal arrangement with the instructor no later than:
- The end of the third week in the Spring semester for a grade issued in the Fall semester
- The end of the third week in the Fall semester for a grade issued in the Summer term
- Three weeks from the earliest start date of the Summer term for a grade issued in the Spring semester
Should the student fail to complete the work within the designated period, the grade will automatically become an F. Exceptions to the above deadlines may be made by the VPAWE. I grades will not be included in the computation of GPA. An I may affect a student’s financial aid. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for information.
1“Blatant abuse of the grading prerogative” refers to situations in which an instructor has willfully ignored published grading and assessment criteria and/ or has exhibited bad faith by acting in violation of published professional/ethical standards for faculty.
2There are times when the schedules of the faculty member, department chair, and/or VPAA are not compatible with the timeframes specified above. Students unsuccessful in their attempts to reach the faculty member may contact the Academic Affairs Office. A representative will then make every attempt to arrange the required meetings within the 5 days indicated in Step 1. Students are advised, however, that it may not be possible in all cases.
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- Grading System
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